Saturday, September 10, 2005

Congratulations Mr. President, you've made it to number 1!

Our hearts go out to our fellow citizens who suffered tremendous losses in New Orleans. We hope and pray for their recovery from the disaster that befell them and I ask that you give what you can to the reputable charity of your choice for their benefit.

Today we continue a presentation of people who profess to be conservatives but espouse very non-conservative views. While I therefore do not personally believe these people are conservatives, they claim themselves as such and so I am obliged to title this blog, Why Do Conservatives Hate America. And now ...

For Totally Not Getting It
George W. Bush
is a
Conservative Who Hates America

Well we knew it had to happen sooner or later. And after the hurricane this week, the President proved he is as phony as a $200 bill. Face it, this man does not stand for smaller government, does not support the free exercise of the rights of the states and is unable to truly lead. Today, proving his failure, the President invoked 9/11 in support of his failure to adequately address issues in New Orleans in a timely fashion. He then has the gall to remind us, the American people, of our duty when so many of us responded as he sat on vacation neglecting his duty. After listening to his mother, Marie Antoinette, this week, it is clear as Bill Maher put it so well, "The moron doesn't fall far from the tree."

By his inept behavior both personally and in the people he appointed who dropped the ball this week, for his inability to hold anyone responsible for, well, anything, and for giving so much less than was needed when what was needed was so much more, President Bush displays his hatred of America and Americans.

Congratulations to President Bush this week's Conservative Who Hates America

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Soon To Be Updated

Stay tuned. I'm back and will be updating the site soon!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Our Second Conservative Who Hates America

Today we continue a presentation of people who profess to be conservatives but espouse very non-conservative views. While I therefore do not personally believe these people are conservatives, they claim themselves as such and so I am obliged to title this blog, Why Do Conservatives Hate America. And now ...

For Impugning the Patriotism of Liberals
Karl Rove
is a
Conservative Who Hates America

On June 21, 2005 Karl Rove suggested in remarks to the New York Conservative Party that liberals did not heed the call of national security. His comments that conservatives calling for war was pro national securtity and liberals calling for indictments was anti national security shows a blatant disregard for American values.

On September 11, 2001 a terrorist group attacked the United States. In this country running a jet plane into a building is against the law and we are a country that believes in the rule of law. The perpetrators should be brought to justice. To date, we have may have detained some of the people responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks, but we have not yet brought them to justice. In order to detain these people we needed to invade another country that harbored the criminals and would not cooperate, Afghanistan. President Bush did this with the support of conservatives and liberals as shown by adoption of Public Law 107-40, "To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States," with bipartisan sponsorship and votes on House Joint Resolution 64 (passed 420 to 1) and Senate Joint Resolution 23 (passed 98 to 0). To say, as Mr. Rove did, that liberals did not heed the danger and to impugn the patriotism of liberals is a lie. Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, your statements show that you hate America.

Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, Impugning the Patriotism of Liberal Americans is Deplorable!

Congratulations to
Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove
our second
Conservative Who Hates America

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Our First Conservative Who Hates America

Today we begin a presentation of people who profess to be conservatives but espouse very non-conservative views. While I therefore do not personally believe these people are conservatives, they claim themselves as such and so I am obliged to title this blog, Why Do Conservatives Hate America. And now ...

For Imprisoning People Indefinitely Without Trial
Vice President Dick Cheney
is a
Conservative Who Hates America

Vice President Dick Cheney apparently has forgotten that Americans recognize certain fundamental rights and if these rights are to be considered fundamental, they need to be applied to people regardless of citizenship. While the courts say the application of these rights to non-citizens is not required not to do so discloses a deep hostility to true American principles. For saying that we must create prison camps to hold "bad people" who have not been convicted in a court of law, Vice President Dick Cheney is our first Conservative Who Hates America.

On the June 13, 2005 episode of the FoxNews show Hannity and Colmes, Vice President Cheney made the following statements, all of which show he must hate America:
"I think the way to look at what [President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld] said, they both emphasized the importance that you need to have the capability to imprison detainees that we capture."

"At present, there's no plan to close Gitmo."

"The important thing here to understand is that the people that are at Guantanamo are bad people."

"[T]hey are well treated. Their medical needs are attended to. They're well fed. They've got -- their religious requirements are catered to. If they want the Koran, they've got the Koran. These people are very well treated for terrorists. If you put them out on the street now and if you were to take action to release them, then you'd find yourself in a situation where the --- you may well find them back trying to kill more Americans."

"So we need a facility. If it's not Guantanamo, it's got to be something else. The function has to be performed."

(You have to have a place for these detainees?)
"Absolutely. And Guantanamo, I think, makes good sense. And in spite of some sensational charges that are often made about it, the fact of the matter is, these people are treated appropriately. And it's vital for us to maintain this kind of capacity, because we derive significant intelligence out of it."
The Vice President believes it's ok to imprison people without trial as long as you treat them "appropriately" and "derive significant intelligence out of it." Treat someone well and you can hold them as a "detainee," not a prisoner mind you, for... well forever. Accuse them of being a terrorist, not prove so in a court of law, and you may hold someone forever. Imprison them not because they have but because they "may" commit a crime. These beliefs and actions show Vice President Dick Cheney hates America.

Vice President Cheney, imprisoning people without trial is UNAMERICAN!

Congratulations to
Vice President Dick Cheney
our first
Conservative Who Hates America


Why do conservatives hate America?

I personally don't think that conservatives do hate America. I think a small group has co-opted the term conservative and they do not truly believe in conservative values.

This space will present on a weekly basis an example of one or more of these so-called "conservatives" who says or does something clearly showing they must hate America and the ideals we hold dear.