Our hearts go out to our fellow citizens who suffered tremendous losses in New Orleans. We hope and pray for their recovery from the disaster that befell them and I ask that you give what you can to the reputable charity of your choice for their benefit.
Today we continue a presentation of people who profess to be conservatives but espouse very non-conservative views. While I therefore do not personally believe these people are conservatives, they claim themselves as such and so I am obliged to title this blog, Why Do Conservatives Hate America. And now ...
For Totally Not Getting It
George W. Bush
is a
Conservative Who Hates America
George W. Bush
is a
Conservative Who Hates America

Well we knew it had to happen sooner or later. And after the hurricane this week, the President proved he is as phony as a $200 bill. Face it, this man does not stand for smaller government, does not support the free exercise of the rights of the states and is unable to truly lead. Today, proving his failure, the President invoked 9/11 in support of his failure to adequately address issues in New Orleans in a timely fashion. He then has the gall to remind us, the American people, of our duty when so many of us responded as he sat on vacation neglecting his duty. After listening to his mother, Marie Antoinette, this week, it is clear as Bill Maher put it so well, "The moron doesn't fall far from the tree."
By his inept behavior both personally and in the people he appointed who dropped the ball this week, for his inability to hold anyone responsible for, well, anything, and for giving so much less than was needed when what was needed was so much more, President Bush displays his hatred of America and Americans.
Congratulations to President Bush this week's Conservative Who Hates America